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TitleLeyte-A Geothermal Development: Assessment of Likely CO2 Emissions and Proposed Methods for Reduction
AuthorBarnett, P. R.; Babor, D. C.; Jabonillo, R. C.; Ruaya, J. R.; Salera, J. R. M.
AffiliationKRTA Limited, New Zealand; Energy Development Corporation, Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC), Philippines
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Volume Title20th Anniversary
JournalGeothermal Resources Council Transactions
PublisherGeothermal Resources Council
Publication PlaceDavis, California
SubjectsEffluent abatement; Carbon dioxide; Environmental aspects; Air quality; Carbon dioxide sequestration; Brine chemistry; Injection
KeywordsReservoir Engineering; Environmental; Philippines; Leyte; Case Study; Atmosphere; Reinjection; Wet Gas Injection; Biological Absorption; Photosynthesis; Reforestation; Calcite Deposition; Silica
Geographic TermsLeyte, Philippines
Document TypeText
NoteGeothermal Resources Council 1992 Annual Meeting, October 4-7, 1992, San Diego, California
ISSN/ISBNISSN: 0193-5933; ISBN: 0-934412-70-7
GRC ID#1002253